To think that this began innocently enough watching a video on my laptop of Wolf Blitzer interviewing Bill Clinton. Bill spoke of what he'd done to trim down for Chelsea's wedding, but then got into the real reason; his bypass was clogging up again. He found out that with a plant based diet, absent of all animal protein, it was possible not only to stop the arteries from blocking up, it was also possible to reverse the damage and heal the condition. This seemed amazing to me. Upon further research, I found that this miraculous benefit applied also to cancer and diabetes as well as heart disease.
Now, I don't have heart disease or diabetes ... yet. But my glucose was inching over 100 into pre-diabetes territory and my blood pressure was heading to stage two hypertension. All I had to do was keep on eating the meat, the fats, the artery clogging cheese and butter and I'd get there .... guaranteed.
Now, I'm ten weeks away from my last animal protein, I've been eating large amounts of delicious foods and losing weight at a rate of a half to a pound a day. I'm so energized I am able to get to the gym and put in 45 minutes of cardio, lift weights and swim 50 laps ... pretty much every day. It's a tremendous about-face.
Maya made a pumpkin curry soup tonight with coconut milk that was out of this world it was so divine. Not weight loss food, but every now and then you just have to indulge a wee bit. I'll have a photo and a recipe soon.
I wonder if Bill Clinton had any idea how impactful his words were to so many ordinary Joes like me. Frankly, it would never have occurred to me to even entertain the idea of veganism until I heard 'ol Bubba parse it out for me in terms that made it palatable.
Me in week 9 with my new kitten, Posey. Around 260 lbs. |
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